Youth Life


Join us on 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays from 6-7:30pm.  

Youth life is split into guys & gals groups.

Youth Life keeps the same general schedule and content as the adult Life Groups. This is done to add simplicity & harmony to the home in hopes that God's Word will continue to be discussed during family time. Our intent is to walk alongside parents, equipping them to grow in their lead-role as the primary discipler of their children; showing them what it means to live a life devoted to following Jesus Christ. We want to encourage you (the parents) to take seriously the responsibility to spiritually pour into their lives. We desire for teens & parents to be involved in one another's lives; setting a tone for building up strong families. We do not be have "accountability time" with your teens, as we feel those issues are best dealt with in the home. If your family would like additional discipleship to deal with difficult family matters, please reach out to one of our elders to set up a time to meet as an entire family. 


Parents of 6th Graders are encouraged to use the 6th grade year to focus on spending more quality time with their teens and establish their position as the primary authority & shepherd of their children, instead of entrusting those moments to other leaders in the church. This is an important year for children to be able to spend away from peer influence to instead be influenced by their parents...teaching them to associate less with children and more with budding adults. This year "off" from our Kids4Truth program will prepare them to join Youth Life, being ready for more structured evenings of studying & discussing God's word with other teens.